Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Local/Provincial Government Test

On Thursday we will have our unit test for Local and Provincial Government. Below are the important terms to know:

Laws that are passed by a local government
Is an idea or proposal discussed and voted on at a meeting
Person elected to local government
Is a group of elected representatives who make decisions for a local area
Is a meeting place where public discussions take place
Municipal Area
Is a region that has its own local government
Municipal District
Is a rural area that has its own local government
Are places like cities, towns and villages
Municipal district and counties
Advisory Committees
Groups of concerned citizens and members of government. They give advice to the council.
Government Departments
Provide various kinds of services to the community
Civil Servants
People hired to run or work in the government departments. 
Piece of paper used for voting that lists the names of the candidates
Identify a person as a possible candidate for an elected position
A written request that contains the signatures of people who support its content
Is responsible for running the schools in a jurisdiction.
List of items that show how much money will be spent on each item
Person who serves on a school board

Funds that the government gives to those who need help to participate in a program.
Allows eligible voters to vote on an issue proposed by the government.
A proposed law. It has to do with the province. When you want to suggest a bill you talk to your MLA
Cabinet Minister
An elected representative who is in charge of a provincial government department.
A bill that has been passed by the legislative assembly and signed by the Lieutenant Governor. It is also known as a law.
Political Party
an organization made up of people who have similar points of view about how to govern.
Voting districts
Constitutional Monarchy
A system of government in which a monarchy is the head of state. In Canada the prime minister is the head of government.
Speech from the Throne
describes what the government plans to do during the upcoming session of the legislature.
are the people living in the constituency that a member of government represents.
Opposition Member
An elected member of the Legislative Assembly who is not a member of the party in power.

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